Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer Session 2009

I am teaching the second half of English III/IV in room 205 this summer.  I will be posting our lesson plans here each day in case you need to review what we're doing in class.

We generally do not assign homework in summer session, due to the intensity of daily instruction.  However, if you need additional time to finish an assignment (not a quiz) you may take it home and work on it. 

If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me at or by clicking my name on the Boone website.  Two weeks=the second half of the credit you need, so let's do it!

June 25, 2009

Introductions and New Student Information
Author of the Day (notes on the board--there will be an open-note quiz later)
Spelling List
Vocabulary List
Grammar:  Adjectives v. Adverbs
Lecture:  How English is Formed (etymology)
Grammar:  Participial Adjectives
Literature:  Poe
Writing Sample:  Dinner Guest
Film related to the literature of America or Great Britain with study guide

Total points for today:  Up to 120

NOTE:  I will update grades every two days, so that you will know exactly how you are doing.  Best wishes for a great summer session!!!