Gifted English II: Turn in your HW to Mrs. Corbin, and then work for the first part of the period on JC questions related to Act III. (I'll be picking up the Act II questions, which are lengthier, by the end of the period Monday.) At the halfway mark of the period, she is going to turn on the DVD player and let you watch Acts I and II of the play. The version you will be watching is from the early 1970's, featuring Charlton Heston as Mark Antony and Sir John Geilgud as the doomed dictator. Enjoy!
APees: Today you will work on your reading journal with respect to Frankenstein. There are a few extra copies of the novel on the shelf up front if you need one, and there are extra copies of the journal assignment on the podium. Your first entry MUST be from one of the epistolary chapters (or can comment on all of them en masse) so today is NOT a day to be checking Facebook surreptitiously (I know what you are doing back there, you) nor frantically finishing calc homework for Dr. Tachon. Read! Read!
*hope it snows*