Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Word of the Day: norm-referenced

Holiday of the Day: Among a myriad of other weird days, the one I like the most is "March Forth--Do Something Day." I do think that everyone can benefit from a little bit of anti-procrastinatory impetus, so get to it! Whatever you have been postponing, from a HW assignment to a personal chore--get it done!

Gifted English II: We need to go over some FCAT stuff for next week, from test prep questions I will be sending home with you to the actual testing schedule. Afterwards, we will review The Elements of Style and take an awesome, if brief, quiz, before resuming our study of Othello. NOTE: There will be a quiz tomorrow on Othello, Acts I-III. If you have been conscious for the past few days you should be fine.

APees: Per my e-mail to each of you, today is Eyre in the Air! You will be given a reading pass and permission to sally forth and find a comfortable spot in which to engage in the world's most delicious activity: READING!