Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day! As the tradition goes, wear green today to avoid being pinched. Granted, as an OCPS student you have the unalienable right to NOT BE PINCHED by anyone on school grounds, but the policy does not go so far to protect those of you who actively seek pinching or who escape the school grounds to local food constabularies. Cool fact: Didja know that Patrick was ENGLISH, not IRISH, but was kidnapped and taken to what we now call Eire? Yep.

Gifted English II: Today we need to address a handful of fairly complicated questions from Othello in the burgundy book. You may work with a partner. The Othello unit test is scheduled for Friday, and we will review extensively in class tomorrow. ALSO--the Iago paper is due Friday by 3 p.m. We went over some elements of his character in class yesterday, and today we'll review apt thesis statements.

APees: Today is the second and final Eyre in the Air reading day. The quiz for chapters 13-20 is scheduled for Friday. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous, so. . .enjoy!