Tuesday, October 11, 2005

End of Quarter Reminders

Hello! I am frantically trying to finish all the grades in a timely manner. Some of your assignments might end up going on the second quarter--which could be advantageous for some of you.

NOTES TO SOPHOMORES: Your Count of Monte Cristo paper will be partially produced next Tuesday as a timed writing in class, using the thesis statement you turned in already. It will not be due yet, so don't panic.

Also--third period--I'm not counting your most recent vocabulary quiz in light of the circumstances surrounding your testing environment. I will score them and return them to you for your own edification, but the majority of the class wrote unfocused responses.

NOTES TO SENIORS: I've finished all resubmits and updated the grades. If you don't see your new score, let me know immediately--I think one or two of you might have picked up your papers before the new score was recorded. Thanks!

Also--if you have not yet applied to at least one college, consider the upcoming four-day weekend as a Window of Opportunity. We discussed the whole college thing again today in second period--be sure you're on track.