Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007

AP Literature and Composition: The first focus paper is due TODAY!!!! Yay! By three p.m.! By fax, messenger, or handed directly to me. Whee!

In class today--Foster and symbolism; deep reading of a Flaubert passage v. Chopin passage. Language is our friend. So says the Language Lemur.

Gifted English II: Literary Terms Vocab Quiz #1-20 (allegory-comedy) followed by a rousing edition of Peer Editing. Our Author of the Day today is Stephen King. Yes, that one.

NOTE TO ALL STUDENTS: The new tardy policy kicks in Monday. I am locking my door, so be warned. Do not get caught in the trap!!! Also, I will be distributing textbooks Monday and clearing space for my in-classroom Sophomore Lockers. Any student can claim shelf space, but beware of light fingers. In other words--leave books and folders, but take your iPod or bling with you.