Friday, August 31, 2007


Dear students: For the first time in the history of my teaching career, you have no homework over the Labor Day Weekend.

Well, that's not entirely true, but it's mostly true.

APees: If you need to resubmit your Bovary/Awakening focus paper, you should work on it over the weekend, since it is due Tuesday (periods 1,2, and 4) or Wednesday (period 5). Also, if you plan to acquire Oedipus Rex in paperback instead of reading it in our anthology, you should go ahead and do that.

Gifted IIs: You might want to go ahead and get a copy of The Count of Monte Cristo (abridged) as soon as possible. It is our next reading assignment and it's wonderful.

Other than that, though--no specific assignment. I will wait until next week to inflict more pain/enlightenment.