Sunday, August 26, 2007

Monday, August 27, 2007

Welcome to the second week of classes!

AP Literature and Composition: After the informative (but stressful, I'm sure) session in College and Career on Friday, I hope that many of you took the college application process seriously this weekend and broke some ground in your process. I've written several rec letters thus far, and I'm starting to become a bit backed up, so if you need one from me let me know as soon as possible so I can add you to the queue. Today in class: Madame Bovary analysis and deep reading in contrast to Chopin, possible distribution of literary anthologies, review of deadlines/procedures. I've been digging through the focus papers and anticipate returning them tomorrow in class.

Gifted English II: Return last week's (largely successful) vocabulary quizzes; brief and illuminating discussion on existential philosophy for third period; Author of the Day will be Mark Leyner; introduction to Genre Studies and possible distribution of textbooks.

Advance Notice: Our next titles are Oedipus Rex (AP) and The Count of Monte-Cristo (Gifted English II.) ORex is in your anthology, but if you would prefer to use a paperback copy for annotation, you may wish to acquire a copy now. GII students will need a copy of Monte-Cristo and should acquire the ABRIDGED version. The UNABRIDGED adds four hundred pages of French countryside descriptions and not much else. I do have a handful of copies for anyone who cannot acquire a copy. See me if you have any questions.