Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

ALL CLASSES: The Homecoming Puppet Show is TODAY. Be good, be careful, behave! Come back to me Monday in one piece, please!!! Here is a quote that I messed up a few years ago but seems to have more impact than the corrected version: "Lots of babies born nine months after Homecoming--don't be one of them!"

(You know what I meant.)

APees: Prior to the Puppet Show, a brief but stirring preparatory lecture on Hamlet. Award-winning cartoons and a map of the three families we need to know about prior to reading our tragedy.

Gifted English II: Finish the Media Literacy mini-unit and then--dun dun dun--PUPPETS!

Have a good time at the game and the dance, peeps! Be safe!