Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Ides of October are upon us.

Congratulations to the Boone Braves for defeating University, 48-14. Wow!1

And congratulations to two APees for being selected Homecoming King and Queen: Billy B. and Catherine Troy B. Yay--smart IS cool!!!

APees: Hamlet, Act I, scene i--and your homework tonight is to reread scene one and read scene two preparatory to our analysis tomorrow in class. Cross country team members who went to Furman for the three day weekend event may submit Macpapers today; for those of you who FORGOT to submit the paper to, I have created a new Late File. And for future reference: The next paper to be so forgotten will be a ZERO. Aaaaaargggh. I have a sneaky suspicion that a handful of you are taking advantage of my sweet and generous nature, so I need to crack down. Yup.

Gifted English II: Monosyllabic writing activity today, and assignment of the Author of the Day presentations for later this month. Tomorrow--satire!!!

Planning Ahead: The next poetry session WILL be from 3-5 on Thursday, October 18 at Dandelion.