Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

Happy Veterans Day!!! (Technically, it was yesterday, but since 11-11 fell on a Sunday many businesses and organizations are honoring our vets today. We have a special presentation on BBC this morning to commemorate the sacrifices that some of our staff members have made for the US military.)

APees: Discussion of Hamlet's characterization, with respect to the critical essay I gave you last Friday. We'll be looking specifically at the three possible modes of interpretation listed in that essay: A) Hamlet as noble, surrounded by corruption; B) Hamlet as the source of death, decay, and disease in his kingdom, and C) the world as the corrupting element. Also, we'll be creating a "resume" for Hamlet to aid in the construction of your obituary/creative writing assignment due tomorrow.

Gifted English II: Review "The Pit and the Pendulum" by Poe and discuss thematic threads between Count of Monte Cristo, Candide, and Poe. Quick-quiz and hand turkey art on Poe, followed by a friendly reminder of the vocabulary quiz tomorrow for the SAT words we rec'd last week.