Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Today is National Lazy Mom's Day. I truly hope this means that Mom can BE lazy, not that she IS lazy, because I know very few harder-working individuals on this planet than mothers. It is a 24/7, constant, thankless job, so instead of National Lazy Mom's Day, why don't you go over there and hug your mom right now and thank her for producing you. And make dinner tonight or something. At least do the dishes.

(Tomorrow is National Drive Your Studebaker Day, so these days might not have a whole lot of veracity. Who knows. I will tell you that it's National Update Your Resume Month as well as Mold Awareness Month, so. . .)

Author of the Day: Louise Erdrich

Word of the Day: abstemious

Gifted English II: Vocabulary Quiz, words 21-40 on the master list, followed by a brief discussion of the genres of literature. Please bring your textbook on Tuesday, as we will be looking at some short fiction together.

AP Lit and Comp: Go over more FRQs in relation to the summer reading activity; go over critical approaches to analysis; assign second focus paper (booyah.) Love to all.