Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hello, future students! Some of you may have already been able to access ProgressBook and see your schedule. I'll be posting daily assignments and weekly schedules in this space, but a few announcements right off the bat:

1. I have acute tonsillitis, so I'm not around much this week. I DO anticipate being there on Monday but I might not be super-chatty. At least it's not obtuse tonsillitis.

2. If you haven't picked up your textbooks yet and you are in AP classes, you may do so NOW. They are available. The AP Lit and Comp text is called Literature: A Course in Reading and Writing by Pearson; it's a saucy white and blue book that costs 95.00, so don't lose it. You won't need it until the third week of classes, but it's a cool anthology and if you're grounded or bored there are far worse things you can read.

3. The Gifted Sophomores will have a check-reading test on The Stranger and Death of a Salesman on Tuesday, August 24. The APees will have a check-reading test on Tess and Madame Bovary at some point during the first week, but we're waiting to hear about the senior assembly.

4. APees: You will be going with me to College and Career to go over college apps and scholarship forms on Thursday, August 26. Meet in Guidance. If you need a rec letter from me (and I've taught you before) ask ASAP so I can get on it.

We're going to have a great year! Especially if I can get my voice back. :-)