Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Thursday, February 17, 2005

The Boone Writing Center will be open before school, after school, and during both lunch shifts in room 315. Writing Center consultants: Please check the sign-in board and be sure all shifts are covered. We may have no one; we may have everyone.

AP Lit, periods 1 and 5: Finish the last of the creative presentations. In the anthology, answer questions for "Grecian Urn" in small groups. Anyone feel like sketching a cool urn?

Gifted English IV, period 2: R and G Are Dead and thought questions.

Gifted English II, periods 3 and 4: Elements of Style, chapter 1, and Othello, Act III. Vocabulary quiz that we were going to do this period we will do Friday instead. Be sure to define these words. Also, we really need to talk about TSI. I'm in a bad spot here and need your help.

Other announcements: I will not be on campus after school, so if you need to see me, come find me before sixth period. Also, you may notice that the desks are in a slightly different formation--closer to the front of the room--oh, goodness, no one can hide. . .