Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Welcome to the new blog! Check back here each school day for updates.

AP Lit, periods 1 and 5: In-class presentations for Romanticism Creative Projects. Bring your lit books tomorrow to go over Keatsian questions for "Ode on a Grecian Urn." Also, if anyone still has their copy of Heart of Darkness, please bring it to class with you so Mrs. Covert can use them next.

Gifted English IV, period 2: We read through most of Act II in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. Bring your play with you tomorrow.

Gifted English II, periods 3 and 4: We went through Othello, Act III, scenes i-iii today, with some inventive performances from Denver, Kacie, Paul, Andy, Moriah, Siedah, and others. Thanks! Please bring The Elements of Style with you to class tomorrow for Good Times with Grammar.

LOOKING AHEAD: APees, you will have a Romanticism Review Test coming up soon, and the Focus Paper for Shelley goes out tomorrow. Gifted IIs, you have another paper coming up--this time on Othello. Gifted IVs, a new focus paper assignment--this one connecting Hamlet, Macbeth, and Stoppard--is pending. ALSO--anyone who wants to usher for James and the Giant Peach this Saturday at the Orlando Shakespeare Festival should come see me in room 313 before or after school.

Juniors: AP Lit apps are due as soon as possible. See me in 313 or Covert in P-27. THANKS!