Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Wheeee--I am 34 today! It's just another day, really, but in honor of it here are some celebrities who share this birthday: Robert Redford and El Debarge. Well, that's kind of sad. And me!

Does it matter that I was due on June 29?

On to more academic matters:

Advanced Placement Literature and Composition: Go over multiple choice session and look at the different genres explored--sonnet, mock heroic epic, Victorian novel excerpt, and postwar British novel. If I can get the copies generated, distribute second focus paper assignment. Zero draft if time.

Gifted English IV: Finish Beowulf and distribute second focus paper assignment. This paper is due next Thursday, so you have a week to find your muse. See me if you have any questions. Also, I was hoping to get you the packet called "Two British Mysteries," but it doesn't look like that's happening any time soon. Hang in there. All will be well.

Gifted English II: After discussing our Author of the Day, my all-time favorite novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez of Colombia, we will rapidly finish the last of our literary terms preparatory to our exciting test tomorrow. We are also going to finish going over genre and parts of speech as a review.

What a great day. I can feel the positive energy already!