Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Happy Birthday to my student assistant, Lauren!

Agenda for the day:

AP Lit: Go over prose and poetry passages in the CLIFF book--notably Dickens and Orwell. 1st period also needs to go over the Guidelines for Solid Writing with me. Whoot to all.

Gifted IV: Journal entry on Beowulf and the role of the hero; quick-quiz on the battle with Grendel's dam. Hopefully we can finish this puppy today--and read a scintillating passage from John Gardner's Grendel to boot.

Gifted II: Reminder that your revisions are due by 3 p.m. today. As I will be ensconced in a charming faculty meeting after school, you may leave your papers A) in my unlocked classroom, B) in the Main Office, after you sweetly give it to Mrs. Roberson, C) faxed to BHS, attn. Hilley at 407.897.2466, or D) e-mailed to me for a ten-poiint deduction for the horrible hassle of having to print the darn thing.

Whew. In Gifted II today, we will have Toni Morrison as our Author of the Day, and we will continue going over the nuances of non-fiction and other genres. Plan to start reviewing the new literary vocab terms as well today. Busy day in short-day land!!!