Saturday, August 06, 2005

Welcome Back!

Welcome back, students, to the 2005-2006 school year. We have some changes that you will need to be aware of: we have a new principal, Mr. Chris Bernier, and he is very pro-kid and very interested in making Boone an A school. He is very approachable and I think he would appreciate it if you took a minute to stop by and welcome him on board.

Bad news--lockers are at a premium, and you have SIX minutes between classes.

Good news--I am so excited to have you back in class; we are going to learn some amazing things this year.

AP Literature, Periods 1 and 5--Please bring your summer reading packet with you each day this week. We will be discussing the AP exam structure, the role of the unreliable narrator, and the imagery in The Great Gatsby and Heart of Darkness for the first several days. Your first focus paper is due on Friday, August 12, by 3 p.m. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Also, I want to recommend a book to you (in addition to The Half-Blood Prince!) called How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Foster. It is a lively and engaging read, and I am considering ordering a set for our class. You can pick it up at Barnes or another local bookseller for 12.95 and I think it is worth it.

Gifted English IV--Period 2--Please bring Orwell's 1984 with you this week, with your discussion questions. You will have an essay due on Friday, August 12 as well, and you will have your check-reading test on Wednesday of this week. Senior Assembly will be second period Tuesday.

Gifted English II--Periods 3 and 6--Please bring The Stranger and Death of a Salesman with you; your check-read test will be on Tuesday. You have a sophomore assembly on Thursday, third period.

ALL STUDENTS--The Writing Center will be open five days a week, during both lunch shifts, in room 315. Both Mrs. Nicoll and I are off fourth period so we can help you with your writing projects during the year. If you are interested in serving as a consultant, please see Mrs. Nicoll or me as soon as possible. We have several on board from last year, but we are looking to bring in new blood as the semester progresses.

WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!