Thursday, September 22, 2005

Friday, September 23, 2005

If you are ushering for me tonight, call time is 7 at the indoor theater of Loch Haven Park.

Advanced Placement Literature: Deconstruct John Donne poem, then finish Act IV and go over Macpaper assignment. Ideally, I'd like to get into Act V today, too.

Gifted English IV: Return work from yesterday and review, then finish "The Pardoner's Tale" and get the related creative writing assignment.

Gifted English II: Collect Antigone essay tests, then continue with the literature of the Bible. Today--"Abraham and Isaac" and related poem, and other discussions of parables. Warning--creative writing assignment ahead!

Have a good weekend. Sophomores--read Count of Monte Cristo like little fiends, and seniors, read something edifying. The quarter is coming to a close, and we get to "fall back" this weekend so you all have an extra hour to play with. :-)