Friday, September 30, 2005

Monday, October 3, 2005

Can you believe it's October already?

Welcome to Homecoming Week, '05! Expect a stirring puppet show from me by week's end detailing All The Things You Shouldn't Do at Homecoming This Year. A moral message, punctuated by the Witch of Despair and the Puppets of Dumb Decisions.

Advanced Placement Literature: Return Mactests, and engage in a lively close reading of Le Play. We are slowly going to make the transition from this tragedy into our next, deeply involved Shakespearean adventure--The Prince of Denmark!

Gifted English IV: Continue working with the Gawain essay, and begin the comprehensive review for the Middle Ages Unit Test. I have a handout for each of you to facilitate the review.

Gifted English II: Return parables, and begin working on the Count of Monte Cristo paper. Today in class, we are going to look at Dantes as a moral figure--is he morally justified in seeking the revenge he desires? What Biblical literature supports his endeavor? We're reading a brilliant piece by William Blake that touches on the theme of revenge, and learning how to do a TP-CASTT analysis. Author of the Day is Ben Franklin.