Sunday, September 11, 2005

Monday, September 12, 2005

Welcome back from another weekend!
Upcoming dates: Homecoming is less than a month away. . .expect a classy speech on How to Behave at Homecoming. (If you haven't had me as an instructor in the past, brace yourself--I have a patented, well-rehearsed speech, with puppets, for Homecoming, Winter Break, Spring Break, Prom and Graduation.)

Progress Reports go out Friday. If you need an update and don't have K12, see me. Also, if you were out on Friday (there were four or five of you) you'll need to make up Friday's tests ASAP.

Advanced Placement Literature and Composition: Friendly reminder that your focus paper is due tomorrow by 3 p.m. I will be in 313 until 3 exactly, so make sure it goes IN MY HAND. Muchas gracias. Today in class, lecture/discussion on The Scottish Play and Shakespearean constructs. I'm not going to belabor the point on Shakespeare's bio; if you want an additional set of notes on Willie and his Life come see me after school for a cool chart. Instead, we're focusing on the historic context of James I of England and what inspired Shakespeare to write this particular play at this particular time. Politics in action! I'll be distributing copies of the play today; remember, if you have difficulty with Elizabethan diction, I recommend acquiring your own copy of No Fear Shakespeare.

Gifted English II: Content vocabulary words; we're skipping Author of the Day today so we can take more time with Antigone. In-class dramatic reading of Sophocles's tragedy and discussion.

Gifted English IV: Today we finish Becket and assess themes from the play.

And a good time should be had by all!