Friday, November 11, 2005

Friday, November 18, 2005


For any interested parties--Ms. Miles and I will be hosting a Meet Me at the Movies on Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m., Cinemark Festival Bay, to watch this film. I'm sure many of you are seeing it on opening night, but I'd rather not hang out with legions of eight-year-olds in pointy hats, so we're going two days into the theatrical release. Any and all are welcome, provided you TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE and know how to conduct yourself in a theater. A follow-up movie date will be held Saturday, November 26--same location, same time. If you are enough of a geek to want to see a movie with your teacher, JOIN US. We're a party in a box.

Advanced Placement Literature and Composition: Screening of R and G Are Dead, directed and written by Stoppard himself. And there was much rejoicing.

Gifted English IV: Macessays due, with continued discussion of the tragedy and another small sequence from Scotland, P.A.

Gifted English II: Candide was so much fun, and "Pit" was such a happy tale--why not jump back into satire and horror for one more little look? Literature never had such a receptive and willing audience. . .