Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Thursday, December 1, 2005

Can you believe it's already December? Goodness.

Here are my sub plans; I have that lovely meeting with the district peoples.


I really can’t thank you enough for covering these classes again. You are awesome.

Roll sheets are the same as the other day; here are the lesson objectives I’d like the kids to cover:

AP Literature, Periods 1 and 5—

I went over a lot of the Romantic poetry things yesterday; in the burgundy book on the shelf by the refrigerator, the students need to read “The Lamb” and “The Tyger” on page 789 (you might want to select a student reader to read them aloud) and then turn back to page 602 to read “The Sick Rose” and answer the three questions in small groups. There is a brief essay following the poem they may want to reference. If there is time left over, have them turn to 793 and read “Kubla Khan” by Coleridge—the poem I read to them yesterday, but in fuller form. Tell them we will finish assessing Blake’s “Chimney Sweep” on Friday when I return, and remind them that their paper on Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead is due tomorrow as well.

Gifted English IV, period 2—

Watch BBC.

This class started Hamlet yesterday; we barely got through Act I, scene i. Today, have them read Act I, scene ii—they can divide up the parts—preparatory to analysis and deconstruction of the first major soliloquy tomorrow. If they get off-task, have them read silently and work through the packet I gave them yesterday. (Extra copies are in the folder.)

Gifted English II—

After the Author of the Day presentation, please distribute the Edusoft answer sheets and test booklets. The kids will know what to do. Assure them that they A) get a grade for doing this and B) are very, very appreciated for cooperating.

Also, please remind them that they are taking a teeny little quiz on Things Fall Apart tomorrow. Thanks!!!!

I am at a district-level meeting today at Jones High School and will return to campus tomorrow. Again, thanks so much for your help. If anyone gives you an ounce of trouble, let me know ASAP.