Monday, November 21, 2005

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Before we begin: On this day in history, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. Many older Americans remember where they were when Kennedy was shot; I wasn't born yet, but perhaps your parents or grandparents remember. For many, it became a defining moment of their generation. I think my defining moment came when the Challenger exploded over the Florida sky; I was in ninth grade Gifted biology class at the time, and our teacher had taken us outside to watch with binoculars. What is your defining moment? Many could argue that 9/11 defines this generation. Do you agree? Can you think of anything else?

AP English: Finish Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead; consciousness-raising and working on focus paper. The draft for that paper is due Monday, 11/28 for peer review.

Gifted English IV: Finish the final bit of Scotland, PA and compare and contrast to Macbeth. We are having a major unit test on Tuesday, 11/29 on the first part of our Shakespearean tragedy unit. Macessays can be resubmitted until next Tuesday.

Gifted English II: Yesterday, we started talking seriously about the writing process. Today, you will get back your graded Candide essay tests; you may use these tests to help guide your writing for the next paper we have due. Also, we are going to do a grammar review in class today.