Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Thursday, August 31, 2006

The last day of August. . .and it all went so fast!

All seniors will meet in the Guidance office today to go over their college plans with their respective counselors. Don't be late and bring something to read or work on; some of you will take all period, while others will only need a few minutes.

Gifted English II, periods 3 and 6--Whew! Goodness, that was close. Welcome back to our happy learning families. We will go over the vocabulary terms for this week and vote on shifting some deadlines for you, after which we will go back into Antigone. Bring your copy of The Count of Monte Cristo with you tomorrow for your first reading day, and bring bottled water or a 20-ounce soda (with a cap! No cans!) as popcorn will be provided.