Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Advanced Placement Literature: After a fabulous, award-winning, limited edition lecture on Sophocles, I encourage you to read the introductory essay beginning on page 1247 in your lit anthology to prepare you for the rigors of reading Oedipus Rex. (You might also want to refer to the essays on irony in all of its subtle forms on page 353, as well.) If you missed the fabulousness of the lecture, you can click on the next blog entry for the notes. You will, however, miss my fantastic drawing of the fangorious Sphinx.

Gifted English IV: Quiz on Part I of "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and chart for the elements of figurative language in the poem as a whole--allusions, visual imagery, auditory imagery, etc. We will work through Part IV today.

Gifted English II: Tragically, today is Underclassperson Picture Day, so half of our class will involve cavorting to the gym for pictures. When we return, a cultural literacy-brain puzzle activity will be followed by an amazing post-it note quiz on "The Cold Equations" by Tom Godwin, pg. 8 of your lit book. If you have not already done so, please make plans to acquire The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas--either the Barnes and Noble paperback edition or the Signet would be the best choices. (Make sure you get abridged, unless you long to read five hundred extra pages repeatedly describing the French countryside.)