Sunday, September 23, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

NOTE: There will be no Information Society meeting this week, due to conflict with Latin Club. I am "meeting by memo" this week and will give everyone the requisite information by Tuesday. We need to democratically select another meeting date/time that doesn't conflict with Latin Club and/or off-campus faculty meetings.

AP Literature and Composition: Just to be clear, since so many of us are still waging war on and its occasional site meltdowns: The Oedipus Rex paper is due in my hands TOMORROW and MONDAY NIGHT MIDNIGHT on the site/to my e-mail. Electronic. schmelectronic. I know. I feel your pain.

The first Macquiz is tomorrow, as well--so we need to finish Act I today! I asked you to read through Act I, scene iii at home, so we should rip through that scene like Macbeth through Macdonwald's traitorous belly. (See scene ii for the full imagery of that allusion.)

Gifted English II: Good times ahead! For planning purposes, and to reiterate the info given in class that ::ahem:: SOME of you wrote down:

Monday: Vocabulary Quiz
Tuesday: Antigone Objective Test
Wednesday: Antigone Essay Questions Due, electronically AND in person.

So, what joyous things are we going to do today after our quizlet? Let me tell you!

We are going to review a few key elements from Antigone. . .THEN we are going to check out Ovid's Metamorphoses! Before you get really excited, let me tell you that this little mini-unit is going to connect literature to language and grammatical constructions via a TIMED WRITING. I can't wait!