Hello, peeps! How are all of you today?
Today is TUESDAY, a lovely day--not quite the middle of the week, but with the dreaded Monday behind us and the potentially disastrous Thursday still two days hence. Tuesdays are nice days; tomorrow is short day (for you, anyway--I always have a maelstrom of meetings), the Orlando Sentinel publishes the first of three Ticked Off! columns for the week, and new albums and books "drop" to retailers on humble, unassuming Tuesday.
And today is no exception. Today is going to be amazing.
APees: Seven of you need to take a little test for me; I've already spoken to you about this and it will only take six minutes. I will have a comfy chair for you in the English Department Office and the State of Florida thanks you. When you are finished, we will take the Macquiz and you will have your first Art Opportunity of the year! Act II of the Macplay is a little disturbing, so if you need a smiley face sticker going in see me and one will be provided. We want happy children here at Boone.
Gifted English II: Antigone Objective Test! Not really a test, either; more like an assessment of what you learned and how you learned it, plus quotes. I love quotes. I doubt many of you share that sentiment.
We need to discuss the Author of the Day Project, reiterate the CMC deadline (OCtober 31!) and make more progress with the tale of Icarus and his doting daddy.