Saturday, March 14, 2009

FCAT Week is over. . .

. . .and I am so relieved.

And I've been out for the count for a bit, having had dental work done on Thursday morning.

Couple of updates:

1. Almost HALF of my sophomores did not make the deadline on the Othello paper, which was due last night at midnight on To say that I am disappointed would be an understatement--I really don't think I'm even challenging you as much as I could or should, and you can't even make a simple deadline? (Of course, half the students DID, but half DIDN'T and are probably assuming that I'll just take it late. Wrong, wrong, wrong. You're already down a letter grade, so don't make it worse--upload THIS WEEKEND.)

2. So, APees--take this as a warning. The Jane Eyre paper is due by midnight on Tuesday, with a hard copy following on Wednesday in class. Of course, papers submitted earlier will receive extra consideration. We will go over this in class on Monday. And you have my extreme condolences on the chaos that was last week.