Saturday, October 02, 2010

PTSA Open House

Dear All:

PTSA will host the annual Open House event this Tuesday, October 5, from 5:30-9:00ish here at Boone. Classroom visits will begin around 7 if you would like to merely follow your student's schedule and skip the group presentation.

Your student will bring home information tomorrow, but you can also access your child's schedule on ProgressBook and maps of the school site will be readily available during the evening of the event itself.

I will have peppermints or some such for your delectation, but bear in mind that I only have seven minutes to tell you a BUNCH of stuff, I talk too fast anyway, and I can't discuss your child individually beyond "S/he is very interesting" or "Wow, what a great acrobat s/he is!" And also, if you are the parent of a sophomore unfamiliar with my sense of the aesthetic--my classroom is a bit odd. My goal is to have the ceiling look like Tijuana Flats, and I have student-created art (and weird toys) everywhere. Call it a testament to my immaturity, but the kids seem to like it and we are never, ever bored. :-)