Sunday, October 03, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gifted English II: Author of the Day is Vaclav Havel and the Word of the Day is "benign." Today, after we turn in the Antigone questions (which I will accept through 3 p.m.) we will continue with our Icarus studies, including a solid reading of W.H. Auden's "Musee des Beaux Arts". We will also review for the upcoming Antigone test on Thursday.

AP Lit and Comp: Act II moves on with its inexorable will and inevitable violence, after which we will look at a critical piece by Thomas de Quincey germane to Act II, scene iii. Be prepared to annotate like fiends.

Tonight is Parent Night! I have peppermints and Smarties for your folks! Classroom visits start at 7 p.m.!