Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Gifted English II: For the first part of the period, we're going to go over the rubric for the final copy of the essay (due Tuesday November 30 because I'm so awesomely nice) and peer-edit if we have time. For the second part of the period, we're going to do something truly odd that involves critical thinking, visual imagery, and possibly a chimpanzee. That's just how I roll.

AP Lit and Comp: Yesterday, I had you assess two elements of Act III--Hamlet's soliloquy and his subsequent treatment of Ophelia. I think some of you are getting lost in the diction, so I'm reposting the awesome Explanation Du Hamlet I wrote for 2009's group. Today, we're watching Act III and receiving the assignment you need over the break-- a critical essay on Hamlet's delay that DOES INVOLVE PLOT SPOILERS. But we're not concerned about little things such as plot, right? We, like the Elizabethans, are engaging in dramatic irony. Oh, yeah.