Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Today is Mrs. Alami's birthday. She is my best friend and teaches ESOL across the hall. If you have an opportunity to say "Happy Birthday" I know she'd appreciate it.

Sophys: Finish the analysis of "Ozymandias" and segue into a grammar assignment that will be due Tuesday, December 2.

APees: Finish a few key points from the Eliot critique of Hamlet, and segue into "Prufrock." Your HW this break is to finish reading the Eliot piece and be prepared to discuss on December 1.

NOTE: The week after Thanksgiving break will be odd; between the Honors Breakfast, Senior Breakfast, and Bright Futures sign-up we will have limited class time. Forewarned is forearmed. Seniors: You have a Hamlet focus paper due on Friday, December 5. Sophomores: You have a Candide test on Thursday, December 4. Be safe and have a happy Thanksgiving Break! I'll be in Prague and Vienna.