Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Project X-Mas helpers: We will be collecting jars before school tomorrow. I have a parent conference at 9:00 this morning and won't be back in the classroom until probably right before first period starts. I have additional Ziploc bags for collection on my desk;' take what you need.

Today is saxophone Day and Marooned Without a Compass Day. If you could find an inventive way to combine both celebrations, that would be. . .interesting.

Gifted English II: Discuss elements of "A Modest Proposal" and segue into the related essay, "Top of the Food Chain" by T.C. Boyle. Satire afoot! NOTE: You need your literature book tomorrow. Not the yellow one we keep in the classroom, either--BRING YOUR BOOK TOMORROW.

APees: 25 minutes to finish the multiple choice, then we're going over Act III, scene iv. I will score the MC tests after school and we will go over the passages tomorrow in class. HW tonight: Act IV, scenes i-ii.

What are we going to do with all of the previous words of the day? I have a master list of the words we've already learned, and I will post them here in the next day or so. We will add ten more words and then either have a quiz on all of them or find a creative way to assess your understanding of the words. I think vocabulary is important, but diction enhancement cannot be our only focus at this stage of the game.