Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The schedule change joys march on. My classes are over-full, and still the children march in. Oy.

But the week is drawing to a close!

And now for some curriculum:

Gifted English II: Author of the Day is Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the Nobel Prize-winning author of Cien Anos de Soledad, my all-time favorite novel. Afterwards, we review the first 20 literary terms. If you did not get a handout regarding the first paper (rough draft due Friday for peer review) then see me.

APees: Summer Reading Check Test, 55 multiple choice questions of goodness and light. Bring a pencil.

Reminder to all students: You have until Friday to establish an account at The account numbers and passwords are on my board, and if you have difficulty generating the account see me ASAP and I will do it for you.