This is quite possibly one of the worst trailers I have ever seen. Amid the running-around-in-long-skirt behaviors, the narrator intones an endless stream of adjectives and the pale, washed-out cinematography makes--dare I say it--reading the book seem more action-packed. MOVIES ARE RARELY SUPERIOR TO THE NOVEL, with the following exceptions: 1. To Kill a Mockingbird, 2. Pride and Prejudice the Miniseries AND the Keira Knightley version with the charming Matthew MacFayden as the tortured Mr. Darcy, and 3. The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, which is far superior to the novelization.
And please note the "based on the novel by Gustav Flaubert."
Watch at your own risk.
Monday, August 31, 2009
"Madame Bovary" 1991 trailer Isabelle Huppert
College Application and Essay Assistance
Evian Roller Babies US
I am in no way trying to advertise Evian water (although I do find it amusing that Evian is "naive" spelled backwards) but this commercial is just too entertaining to not post. Enjoy! And then please go do your homework!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Please inform the students that they will be receiving lockers through their 4th period class this week. All unregistered locks need to be taken off prior to Wednesday, September 2nd. All locks that are not registered will be cut off. Only seniors should have lockers at this point. If a student finds a lock on the locker they were assigned, they should report this to their 4th period teacher, who should then report it to Karen Migetz in the front office—extension 2336.
The tentative date for locker distribution is Friday, September 4th.
The two things you should understand from this message: A) If you have "ganked" a locker by sheer chutzpah, it's time to save your lock, and B) you will most likely have a locker by Friday! Good times abound!
Again, my room is yours if you need it for storage--the only downside is if I am ever (knock on wood that this never happens) absent and you can't get in.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Adjusted Lesson Plans
Thursday, August 27, 2009
www.turnitin.com reminder
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
APees: First Major Test
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Senior Advice: Trash or Treasure
APees: Focus Paper #1
Common Errors/Focus Paper #1 2008-2009
1. Students tend to write “in the book” instead of in-universe
2. Syntax errors—fragments, run-ons, lengthy sentences with awkward comma splices
3. Their/there
4. You and I: Second and First-person narratives (I believe/I feel/In my summer reading project I had to read two novels/Summer reading is normally boring)
5. Command form: Take Edna, for example. (What if I don’t want to?)
6. Informality in diction: slutty, studly, OMG
7. Accept v. except
8. Transitions (awkward or non-existent)
9. Cannot v. can not
10. Quotes in Space: Many papers featured well-selected text evidence, randomly placed within the text, or not introduced at all. (Review appropriate quotation usage.)
11. It’s v. its
12. Errors in content (infrequent but memorable): Edna and Emma confusions; errors in plot or setting
13. Lack of conclusion or weird conclusion: “Well, they got what they deserved!”
14. TENSE: Stay in present tense when evaluating literature.
Style Sheet: All Students
2009-2010 Style Sheet
Jenn Hilley, Instructor
Room 313
William R. Boone High School
You will be submitting a great deal of written work this year for this course, and there are certain expectations for written submissions. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
1. All work must be typed in a professional 11 or 12-point font. Examples of professional fonts are Times New Roman, Book Antiqua, Helvetica, Courier, and Palatino. Examples of non-professional fonts are Curlz, San Francisco, Comic, or Chiller. If you think your font might not be adequate, hit “select all” and “Times New Roman” and you can’t go wrong.
2. Written submissions will be double-spaced with one-inch margins.
3. If you need to staple your work, please use an actual staple in the upper left hand corner of the paper. Report covers, funky clips, and folded pages tend to get lost.
4. Please proofread carefully for errors before submitting written work. If you discover an error on the day of submission, I’d rather you NOT use white-out or its equivalent but draw a neat line through the error and hand-write your correction directly on the page.
5. Your name will NOT appear on the front of any work you submit, but on the back of the final copy. I used to require student numbers, but with ProgressBook it is too difficult to cross-reference.
6. Your paper is a reflection of your inner thought processes, and as such should be professional, sophisticated, and insightful. Avoid slangy expressions, AOL-isms, and above all, profane language.
7. If you are citing material, or imbedding quotes, follow MLA format. Examples can be found in the literary anthology for AP students and in Writers Inc for sophomores.
8. I encourage you to express yourself creatively on your title page; on days of submission, we will have a Title Parade. I love to see clip art and inventive approaches to title pages, so have it—it will not adversely affect your grade, unless you have a picture of a clown (I’m afraid of them) or Lambchop the Puppet (that song just never ends.) Select a funny title if it moves you!