Every student will need to report to HOMEROOM. Alphabetical lists will be posted at Guidance, the Media Center, the 1300 building, and every hallway. If you are lost, find a teacher and see where you need to go. We will all help you. Homeroom should only last about ten minutes.
Gifted English II: Please bring your two summer reading books with you each day this week. You will not be picking up your course textbook until next week, but honestly we don't use it that much. Most of our material is either given directly to you in class or out of a paperback novel. Today's agenda:
1. Syllabus and course expectations--please share with your parents. It's a little snarky in places but that's just how I roll.
2. Distribution of the material you need for the week, including:
A. 120 Literary Terms (6 units of 20 words each)
B. The Death of a Salesman essay assignment, rough draft due Friday
C. Writing Log
3. Each of you will fill out the requisite index cards I need for info about you.
4. We will discuss elements of both works for tomorrow's check-reading test.
Please bring a pencil tomorrow!!! Author of the Day will begin Wednesday and I will explain more in class.
AP Literature and Composition: Welcome to class! Please bring your summer reading materials all week.
1. Syllabus; you can read, but I do want to go over a couple of policies regarding e-mail. Please share with your parental units.
2. Index card
3. Distribution of materials:
A. AP FRQ Questions (keep all year in your notebook)
B. Literary Terms for review
C. Madame Bovary discussion questions
D. AP grading rubric for Friday's focus paper
E. Homework for tonight (don't worry--it's fun!)
4. Discussion of Friday's paper and possible topics. Lecture elements include le mot juste, naturalism v. realism v. Romanticism, the focus of materialism and class consciousness in Flaubert's vision, and female archetypes.
Plan Ahead:
Sophomore Assembly is Thursday period 3 in the gym.
Senior Assembly is Tuesday period 2 in the gym.
I will be taking ALL of my seniors to College and Career on Thursday to go over FAFSA and college applications. This is very important for your futures, particularly considering that most colleges opened their admissions on August 1. Mrs. Cadman is the single best advocate you can imagine.
I will be hosting a travel meeting on Thursday, September 3 at 7 p.m. for my last two overseas adventures with BHS kids. During the week-long Thanksgiving break, students who are 18 or older (or seniors with parent permission) can accompany me and a small group of art lovers to Paris for the whole week. Next Spring Break is the all-ages trip to Ireland. I have a few spots left for each, so if you are interested, see me ASAP and plan to attend this meeting. My past trips have been fabulous experiences for kids; we went to Germany last spring break, and last fall's grad trip was to Prague and Vienna. Over the past ten years, I've traveled with students through Italy, England, France, and Greece, and I have loved it, but now that I'm hurtling towards forty I'm losing my mojo a little. I know international travel is expensive, but it can be really worthwhile.
If you have any other questions about ANYTHING you can e-mail me at jennifer.hilley@ocps.net OR hilleyj@gmail.com.