Next weekend we celebrate Labor Day, and you will have a three-day break from BHS.
Housekeeping Notes:
*There are a handful of you who still haven't created an account on Unless you are brand new to the class or have already contacted me about your technical difficulties, it's too late to cash in on the five points for doing so last week, but you need to do this ASAP to facilitate your happiness this year. Really.
*Also, if you haven't acquired a notebook for this class, please do so--I don't care what kind, from a one-inch binder to a folder with pockets or whatever, but please have all of your materials with you each day so that we can be productive. Yay!
Sophys: Your vocabulary assignment this week is on the master list of 120 words, #21-40. I will review them with you briefly on Wednesday. Today, we will conduct a peer review of the Mersault/Willy Loman paper, after our Author of the Day presentation (Saki) and before I go over the HW assignment for the evening. Speaking of which: Your HW tonight is to read "The Storyteller" by Saki, which I will provide for you. Post-it note quiz tomorrow.
APees: On Friday, I gave each class (except sixth period--my bad) twelve discussion questions on MB, and asked you to come up with brief responses for each preparatory to group discussion. Today in small groups we will discuss the prompts and prepare for a transition into the other novels. HW: Our next reading assignment is Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, which many of you have already read--it is in the literary anthology and needs to be read by September 11. Oh, and please bring a pencil tomorrow for our first multiple choice practice for the AP exam. I believe in starting early! Y'all want college credit, right?