These are the ten points of advice I offered in class today, ranked in no particular order. Trash or treasure, but here they are:
1. GO TO CLASS. Skipping is an epidemic problem at BHS, and being caught can harm your status in honor societies and the discipline office. GO TO CLASS.
2. When you need help with writing, please come to the Writing Center during A or B lunch--bring your lunch! And if you are a strong writer or a compassionate person or both, we could use your help as a consultant. Earn community service hours for Bright Futures doing what you love.
3. If you haven't already done so, get a file folder and label it SENIOR STUFF. By the spring, when your brain has turned to Jell-O and you can't find anything, you will be profoundly grateful to have a centralized location with everything in it. And by "everything" I mean yearbook receipts, senior surveys, confirmation sheets that you applied to college, financial aid forms, report cards, score reports.
4. Go to and apply to college/get financial aid opportunities. I used to wholeheartedly recommend, but it seems more commercialized these days. And if you decide to establish a fastweb account, I would get a free yahoo or hotmail account specifically for that purpose--it will send you 15-20 e-mails per day.
5. The last part of your senior year WILL be about drama; this is the time in an adolescent's life when so much is changing, friendships melt, dating relationships shift. Be aware and avoid much of the emotional pain. People don't want to leave the life to which they have become accustomed, and often lash out--don't let your friendships suffer.
6. When you get your cap and gown, DO NOT IRON IT. Hang it in the bathroom and let the steam from your (hopefully plural) shower de-wrinkle it. It is made of highly flammable material, so no ironing. That said--if you anticipate a financial problem and cannot afford a cap and gown, see me ASAP. We recycled some last year and will give it to you gratis.
7. And regarding the senior announcement kit--don't let your eyes rob your wallet. The small package is more than sufficient for most students, and if you need additional announcements for those special relatives you haven't talked to since you were in kindergarten, well, there's always Hallmark.
8. Freshmen do get smaller every year. It's so weird. Be nice and avoid bullying them--you were there once!
9. Even though it's expensive, seriously consider ordering a yearbook. It's your senior year and you want to remember your friends (and enemies) as you prepare for your reunions. And the autographs are always fun to read!
10. Enjoy your senior year, but make good choices and be aware that A) your future is right around the corner, and every decision you make now can impact your future and B) you are old enough to be charged as an adult. BE GOOD BE BRAVE or BEGONE. :-)