Seniors: You will report to your second period class, then be dismissed to the senior assembly. Please do not try to hide out in my room to avoid the festivities; I have a full sophomore class that period.
All Students: You are scheduled to take a 10-question quiz on Life as We Knew It during your fifth period class tomorrow, August 26. To prepare, I would check the ten questions on the BHS website under the summer reading link. If you are in my fifth period class, and are not planning to escape AP, you will be taking the Madame Bovary et al test instead. If you are eager to drop the course, get ready to get in touch with your inner moon child.
Gifted English II: Check-reading test on The Stranger and Death of a Salesman. If everyone finishes early, I will start reviewing this week's vocabulary terms.
AP Literature and Composition: Bovary, Emma, and Daisy Buchanan: Bad Mommies, the Lecture. You'll laugh; you'll cry; it will be better than Cats.