Gifted English II (Sophys): Since schedule changes are still in process, we will proceed with my alternative universe plans. Author of the Day is the amazing Alice Walker, after which we need to finish going over the last of the literary vocabulary terms. I have prepared a style sheet for writing assignments (that can be found on this blog, but I have a hard copy for your notebook) and a handy Guidelines for Solid Writing sheet that will be the foundation of our writing instruction. If we have time, I'd like to share a funny little piece by the comedian Steve Martin called "Writing is Easy!" that appeared in The New Yorker a few years ago. (While he isn't the guy who created the concept of finishing every story with "Then suddenly everyone was run over by a large truck" he is close in wit and cynicism. You will love it.)
APees: We are meeting in College and Career tomorrow to plan your application processes. I know that some of you have already applied, or are in the middle of applying, but this entire process can be mystifying and Mrs. Cadman is your best line of defense against the woe. A few reminders:
--If you need a letter of recommendation from me, please see me ASAP to pick up a form. I need details about you to fill out the letter; otherwise, I will write what I know about you anecdotally and it won't be very formal. "Erica is so entertaining and insightful!" doesn't read as well to a college admissions counselor as "Erica, entertaining and insightful, has served her church community for over four hundred hours and plans to study pre-law." (Erica is a fictitious creation and any resemblance to any real Erica is strictly coincidental.)
--If you would like me to read/edit/help you with your college essay, come to the Writing Center or see me before/after school.
This process may well be the most important thing you accomplish this year, and I need you to pay close attention to Mrs. Cadman's exhortations.