As you've already gathered, the schedule for this week had to be amended due to disastrous issues with the SMS scheduling system. Many of you are still waiting for schedule adjustments; many of you in my first period are still waiting for a chair. Optimism now, my friends--we will overcome these obstacles!
New Schedule for Tomorrow:
Sophys: I will review the first twenty vocabulary terms with you; even if you plan to leave this class after this week, you will need these words in your later iterations as a student and I will forward your quiz grade to your new instructor. Our Author of the Day tomorrow will be Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the Nobel Prize-winning author from Colombia. AND we will go over requirements for the paper and test for those of you staying in Gifted English II.
APees: Madame Bovary, Awakening, and Gatsby test. Bring a pencil. I anticipate that this test will take all period; if you finish early, work on your focus paper. Focus paper ideas in a following post.
Please be patient; this is an unprecedented shift to a new program for our student services staff, and believe me, they are trying to ameliorate the woe. We will just have to adjust our expectations a little bit, but I promise you that I will educate each and every one of you to the best of my ability while we are together.