A three-point curve doesn't make much of a difference, though, to ameliorate low scores. Here are the averages:
Period Three: 74.8
Period Five: 75.8
Period Six: 75.9
Period Seven: 64.6
Now, from a strict bell-curve perspective, these are not bad averages. They represent a bell curve, after all, with a handful of truly low scores and a handful of truly high ones, and the bulk right in the middle. I spent some time this afternoon reviewing what appeared to be frequently-missed questions, and disaggregating data (doesn't that sound impressive? It really just involved a calculator and three cans of Diet Coke) and I have three theories:
1. Some of you are not comfortable test-takers.
2. Some of you read the novels quickly and/or a long time ago, and consequently had difficulty remembering salient details.
3. Some of you did not read actively (or at all) and these test scores are the bitter fruits of such procrastinatory deeds.
Then, as the mighty power of Diet Coke coursed through my veins, I wondered how we could solve all three problems. Here are my suggestions:
1. We will work on multiple-choice strategies this year, since the AP exam has 55 multiple choice questions like this test did. I want to ameliorate test anxiety, and show you various ways to address MC questions and enhance your recall.
2. We will also work on high-yield reading strategies to help you retain information longer and with more understanding.
3. I will symbolically smack you for being adolescents and repeatedly finding more interesting things to do with your time than read your assignments. Actually, I'm kidding about that part--You HAVE TO READ CAREFULLY, CLOSELY, and MEANINGFULLY. I cannot do this part for you!
That said, a handful of students made As on this adventure, and your next opportunity to impress is due Friday with the first focus paper. Be well. Really.
Love to all.