ALL CLASSES: Immediately after I mess up the roll-taking process again, we will proceed to the Media Center to check out your textbooks. Even if you plan to exit my class, please check out a textbook, sophomores, since the book is standard for all Honors level courses and it will save you a trip next week. YOU NEED YOUR ID. Seniors, a friendly reminder: the book you are about to acquire cost ninety-five dollars. Do not play soccer with this book. Do not leave this book in a hot car. Do not fling this book at your oppressors. This book is your friend. You love the book. It loves you!
SOPHYS: After an awesome adventure to the Media Center and Author of the Day Mark Leyner (who is truly weird, which might appeal to the better parts of your natures) we will take a quick vocabulary quiz. If you are planning to exit this class, I will give you the option of taking the quiz or engaging in an art opportunity while the others test. We probably don't have time to peer edit the rough draft, and since we are still missing some colleagues in class, we might have to visit this assignment next week. I will check your rough drafts quickly during the quiz, and then send you on your way.
APees: Focus paper #1 is due today by 3 p.m. After our festive launch to the MC to get our textbooks--and a quick tour through its literary wonders--we will start small-group questions on Bovary. Next week we will shift our focus to Gatsby and Edna, but for the time being we are still in Flaubert land.