Monday, August 31, 2009


Dear Sophys:

I absolutely do not mind if you continue to use the Sarcasm Closet for your locker needs, even through the rest of the school year. We can figure out some shelving to ameliorate the woe, but you are welcome to it for the duration of the 2009-2010 school year if need be.

However, for those of you who like the traditionalism of a School Locker, please be advised of the following information from Mr. Fitzpatrick, Awesome Assistant Principal of Cool Things:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please inform the students that they will be receiving lockers through their 4th period class this week. All unregistered locks need to be taken off prior to Wednesday, September 2nd. All locks that are not registered will be cut off. Only seniors should have lockers at this point. If a student finds a lock on the locker they were assigned, they should report this to their 4th period teacher, who should then report it to Karen Migetz in the front office—extension 2336.

The tentative date for locker distribution is Friday, September 4th.

The two things you should understand from this message: A) If you have "ganked" a locker by sheer chutzpah, it's time to save your lock, and B) you will most likely have a locker by Friday! Good times abound!

Again, my room is yours if you need it for storage--the only downside is if I am ever (knock on wood that this never happens) absent and you can't get in.