Saturday, October 17, 2009

Announcements: Mid-October Version

I hope that everyone enjoyed their three-day weekend break, and that Homecoming was fabulous! And I truly hope that no one saw my face. . .if you saw the Puppet Show on Friday, you know what that means.

The end of the first quarter is rapidly approaching, and while most of you have been keeping up admirably with your make-up work, I still have a handful of sophys who owe me make-up assignments from extended absences (swine flu is very real, people) and APeeps who need to make up the Mactest or a Macquiz or two. I am frantically grading submitted work this weekend, and anticipate printing out a ProgressBook roster for everyone to check by the end of business on Monday. As I've posted here before--frequently--I am having immense trouble wrapping my brain around this program, and not a little bit of it is the disconnect between the ProgressBook platform and my Macbook. (Apple, not Macbeth.)

If you detect a discrepancy between a paper you have in your possession and the score online, please see me ASAP. That said, I should have your averages updated with two weeks to spare for those of you interested in submitting make-up work or resubmits for the ORex papers. Again, e-mail me at if you have questions, but please give me the rest of this weekend to sort through everything. I have never had so many students--and y'all turn in all of your work! Well, most of you.

Community Service: I have service letters for about ten of you who have already done comm serv this quarter, but if anyone needs hours for NHS or for Bright Futures, I could still use help in the following arenas:
1. Project X-Mas. We are starting to collect for this project at the end of this week, and Katie C. needs help with her crafts committee. Beacoup hours available here.
2. English Department Office. Mrs. Nicoll and I need some help straightening this out for the Writing Center--cleaning the appliances, finding new homes for the Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots, and hanging of student art. Hours available after school AND during a research period, if you are available.
3. Sophomore Locker Creation in the Sarcasm Closet. Many of my sophys never got lockers, for various reasons, and I had some students relocate two bookshelves into the Sarcasm Closet. These need to be organized so that the sophys can store materials here.
4. General filing and non-confidential paperwork management. There are a myriad of things I cannot have you do, for legal reasons, but some tasks can be done by students--filing, listing paperbacks, sorting through extraneous materials.

I'm also interested in getting Information Society back off the ground this year, and re-instituting the Contemporary Literature Reading Circle. Both of these cultural (!) opportunities can yield service hours. And, of course, consulting in the Writing Center is the primary means by which I award comm serv. I will be distributing hours sheets at the end of the quarter, so be sure that you sign in each day that you serve during A or B lunch.

So. . .need hours? See me. I want to help you reach your goals, and I am lazy enough to have plenty of opportunities for you to do so. :-)