Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Project X-Mas meeting after school today! Room 313, from 2:15ish-2:45ish. I am feeling ish.

Gifted English II: Author of the Day is Sylvia Plath, who isn't depressing at all. (Actually, break out the Kleenex.) Afterwards--Antigone review for the amazing Antigone test we are taking tomorrow, and a grammar activity that will blow your mind. Or not.

APees: Bring a pen or pencil, and don't hate. The Mactest does have to be postponed until next week due to fire-related activities that might manifest themselves, say, Friday fifth period, so today we are Macwriting. Yup--you heard it here first. MacDoIt.

Regarding PTSA Parent Night: Thank you so much to all of the parents and students who came and braved my overheated classroom and partook of melted chocolate candies and had to listen to me babble far too quickly about issues far too important to be thus babbled about. (Diagram that sentence if you dare!) It was lovely meeting all of you, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to teach your children. I know this is cheesy (cue wailing violins and orchestra music) but I believe that teaching is a mission and even though I use humor as frequently as possible to convey my message, I do have a message and I want these young people to become independent, thoughtful life-long learners. I really believe that they can accomplish anything given the right push and the necessary tools, and I thank all of you for allowing me the privilege of borrowing them for a few hours each week. (End rant; no applause, really; it's all good.)

Love to all!!!! Go read something!