Sunday, October 04, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tonight is PTSA Parent Night. You are welcome to attend with your parents. Please don't forget to bring home the form you received today in either first period or your English class (mine) that lists your schedule and has a helpful map of the school for your parents to navigate. And hopefully it won't rain this time!

Gifted English II: Author of the Day is Shel Silverstein, after which we have a vocabulary quiz for the final list of literary terms. We will be transitioning into SAT/ACT vocabulary words forthwith, but we needed to start with 120 literary terms so that you have the necessary diction for literary analysis this year. After the quiz, I will distribute the take-home Antigone essay test and go over the expectations for it. We will have an in-class objective test on the same play on Thursday, complete with clip art and festive multiple choice questions, but the take-home is your opportunity to express yourself in written form. THE TAKE-HOME TEST MUST BE POSTED ON TURNITIN.COM SO IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN ACCOUNT YET (AFTER ALL THIS TIME--OY) SEE ME ASAP.

APees: MacScavenger Hunt, followed by more Macgoodness. And if you thought you escaped the necessity of a Macpaper, well. . .

Here is my favorite, favorite speech from the entire play. A dear friend of mine e-mailed it to me last week as inspiration, and I was struck again by how eternally evocative these few words are, even today:

Macbeth, Act V, scene v.