Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Gifted English II: Literary Terms Mastery Test, followed by selecting an author for the second quarter Author of the Day Project. For each presentation, I expect the following:
1. A three-to-five minute discussion of your author;
2. Reference to at least TWO works by your author;
3. Some form of visual aid. I love visuals! And our classroom is seriously lacking in decoration, as you know. :-)

The sign-up sheet will be going around; if you have an author NOT on the list you'd like to propose, write down your proposal and your grounds for selecting this author and submit it on Friday, October 23.

Bring a pencil for the Mastery Test!

APeeps: Yesterday, you multiple-choiced; today, you are to think about tragedy in all of its subtleties with reference to ORex or Macbeth. The prompt is awesome. The AP Exam is real and it is coming, so be prepared. Focus papers are due TOMORROW by 3 p.m.; don't forget the opportunity for extra credit if you visit the Writing Center.