Thursday, August 21, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Good morning, sunshines! The amended schedule for today does involve the senior assembly, so listen carefully to the announcements to determine when and where to go.

Gifted English II: Author of the Day: Alice Walker. Peer review for the rough draft of The Stranger/Death of a Salesman paper; students new to the class need to read during this activity. First period has a little game to play, after which we will begin discussing existential theory as it relates to Camus. (Handout from your first-day folder.) Homework this weekend: Work on polishing your paper, which is due Tuesday on, and study your first twenty literary terms for a super-easy quiz on Monday. (The quiz would normally be on Friday, but the storm precluded staying on schedule. My apologies for any "confusement.")

APees: Your first focus paper is due tonight at 11:59 p.m. on If you have any problems, e-mail me your paper by the deadline at and I will upload it for you. In class, we will be discussing Flaubert and Chopin some more--I'll bet you can't wait! We are also going to College and Career to see Mrs. Cadman this period.